Sitemap - 2024 - Wang Xiangwei's Thought of the Day on China


My latest column: with Article 23 legislation taking effect, can Hong Kong's media continue to criticize CCP or the Chinese government?

My latest #ThoughtoftheDayonChina; yesterday I spoke to Emily Lau on her podcast to talk about implications of Article 23 and Hong Kong’s future. For instance, can media continue to criticize CCP?

我最新专栏中文翻译: 中国领导人是否真正了解外国人对中国的担忧和不满?

My latest column: Do China’s leaders fully grasp foreigners’ concerns about the country?


My latest column: Why does China’s most secretive spy agency no longer wish to remain clandestine?

我最新专栏的中文翻译: 台湾的选举很重要,但其重要性并不像国际媒体所写的那样简单;悲哀的是,台湾的未来不是由台湾人民决定的,而是由中国和美国决定的。

My latest #ThoughtoftheDayonChina: Taiwan's election matters but not in the way the global media has written; Sadly, Taiwan’s future is not decided by people in Taiwan, but by China and US.

王向伟的最新专栏的中文翻译: 官僚主义,形式主义和享乐主义:一味迎合北京,香港的政治精英们加速我们这座城市的大陆化。

My latest column: Pandering to Beijing, Hong Kong’s political elites are consciously or subconsciously hastening the mainlandization of our great city.