Thanks for the article. In general, avoiding "ultra leftist" taking over is certainly a good idea. "Ultra" anything is usually bad.

I would disagree with one of your points that "ill-timed campaign to curb excesses in the private sector has backfired big time". Curbing excesses in the private sector is never "well-timed". Pricking a bubble always causes pain, especially for the careless participants who over-expanded. The private sector is continuously trying to maximize profit and opportunity, and often overly using leverage. The Three Red Lines curbed the excesses, and led to a huge implosion in the properties development sector.

But can we imagine if that "ill-timed" curbing was not performed? The bubble would have been even bigger. If it was to implode on its own weight, it would be much, much worse. So I would say the curbing was not ill-timed; and in fact, it could have been done even earlier. But whenever it is done, it will always receive complaints. No participant will priase it, ever. We should be glad that the bubble was only huge, but not mega huge, like the 2008 bubble in the US.

In fact, China is not like 2008 US. The leverage with the homeowners is much, much lower. There is no risk of implosion there. Nor is there any chance of implosion in the main financial institutions; whereas, if we remember, almost all the major US financial institutions were going bankrupt in the US, except for a massive irresponsible printing of money, and the pre-destruction of a good future for future generations.

A government that does not curb a bubble is irresponsible, or stupid, or both. That we can see abundantly clear in the US. As the most advanced country with probably the most number of Economics Nobel prizes, it is a wonder how poorly, and irresponsibly the country was governed.

So I would say, the curbing was not "ill-timed" at all. It was excellent that it was done by a courageous government who cared about the future and responsibility. But it takes careful understanding to appreciate it.

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I have a question: You are talking about "ultra leftists." Are you talking about a true movement, similar to that which fired Hu Yao Bang or, worse, that fueled the cultural revolution? Are there genuine ultra leftists in the provinces, at the grassroots or in the political and administrative apparatus at the level of provincial governments or even lower, prefectures or counties? To outside observers, the leftist "reform" movement appears to be, in typical autocratic stye, Xi Jinping's own idea, made possible by his cronies. The leftist drift appears to be more of a old school Communist, top down campaign, than a genuine bottom up movement.

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Thank you. The part about the ultra-leftist/nationalist/(populist?) threat to Xi is intriguing. When I read the 2021 PRC Ministry of Education Guidelines to all Chinese teachers on how to teach the importance of the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party to their students, there was a line about the threat from the left (Maoist/nationalist?) than from the right (economic reformer, liberals, human rights activists).

I've been wondering about the leftists too! The leftists as the main threat is in the 2021 Ministry of Education guidelines as well. Maoists? A Bo Xilai underground?

The 2021 PRC Ministry of Education guidelines to teachers at Chinese schools on teaching all students about the leading role of the Chinese Communist Party also stresses the leftists are the main threat in one passage. Bolding added.

Translated in

2021: Teaching the Leadership of the Communist Party IV


Part Four, Section 26 (p.69 in the PDF) http://www.moe.gov.cn/srcsite/A26/s8001/202110/W020230106375087850197.pdf

四、中国共产党的自身建设26. 党的建设的基本要求

First, uphold the Party’s basic line.

The whole party must rely on Deng Xiaoping Theory, the “Three Represents” important thinking, the Scientific Outlook on Development, Xi Jinping’s Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era.

Follow the Party’s basic line to unite thinking and action, and to unswervingly adhere to it for a long period.

Combine reform and opening up with the Four Basic Principles 【四项基本原则】, Comprehensively implement the Party’s basic line, oppose all “leftist” and “rightist” erroneous tendencies, be alert to the rightists, but devote most attention to stopping the “leftists”. Strengthen the construction of leading teams at all levels, cultivate and select good cadres needed by the Party and the people, cultivate and foster millions of successors to the socialist cause, and guarantee the implementation of the Party’s basic theory, basic line, and basic strategy from the organizational level.

党的建设必须坚决实现以下五项基本要求:第一,坚持党的基本路线。全党要用邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的基本路线统一思想、统一行动,并且毫不动摇地长期坚 66 持下去。必须把改革开放同四项基本原则统一起来,全面落实党的基本路线,反对一切“左”的和右的错误倾向,要警惕右,但主要是防止“左”。加强各级领导班子建设,培养选拔党和人民需要的好干部,培养和造就千百万社会主义事业接班人,从组织上保证党的基本理论、基本路线、基本方略的贯彻落实。

According to the MOE introductory note, ""Guidelines for Introducing "Party Leadership" Related Content into University, Middle and Primary School Curriculum Textbooks". An important measure for universities, middle schools and primary schools to further strengthen the education of "party leadership" is of great significance for further promoting Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics into teaching materials, classrooms and minds." from


PDF of the 100 page long Guidelines http://www.moe.gov.cn/srcsite/A26/s8001/202110/W020230106375087850197.pdf

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