Liu Heung Shing, a Pulitzer winning photojournalist, speaking to my MA class at HKBU
On Tuesday (November 14), I was pleased and honoured to invite Liu Heung Shing, Hong Kong-born Pulitzer winning photojournalist and foreign correspondent, to speak to my MA students at Hong Kong Baptist University. For nearly two hours, he used photos to recall those extraordinary moments in his incredible working life, which took him to Beijing, Los Angeles, New Delhi, Seoul, and Moscow. Heung Shing has chronicled China’s rise and the collapse of the Soviet Union, capturing the watershed events including the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and crackdown. In 1991, he was on site to photograph President Gorbachev as he announced the dissolution of the Soviet Union, for which he shared with his AP colleagues a Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography. Now at age of 72, he told my students that he has embarked on another exciting project which will take him around the world in three years to capture and chronicle how China’s Belt and Road Initiative has impacted the people’s lives in all those 150 plus participating countries. All the best to his endeavor.
本周二 (11月14日),我有幸邀请到首位获得普利策现场新闻奖的华裔摄影师刘香成先生给我在香港浸会大学的研究生班上了一堂生动有趣,引人入胜的新闻历史课。刘先生香港出生,美国留学,毕业后成为记者,是中美恢复往来后首批获准常驻在中国的美国记者之一。 他拍摄的作品捕捉一个时代的变迁,详实记录中国的崛起,苏联解体等重大历史事件。1989年因其六四事件照片获密苏里大学传媒学院年度最佳照片奖。同年还被评为美联社最佳摄影师。1991年,时任美联社驻莫斯科记者的刘香成拍摄了苏联总统戈尔巴乔夫宣布苏联解体瞬间的照片,并因此与同事一起获1992年普利策奖 “现场新闻摄影奖”。他与学生互动,阐述他的新闻理念,让大家受益匪浅。今年72岁的他正在着手一项宏伟计划,在三年之内走遍世界各地拍摄中国一带一路计划给参加国人民带来的生活变化。祝他一切顺利